Do you own your culture? Or does your culture own you? I have always been curious about the line between cultural characteristics and genuine persona. Where does your culture stop and the individual start? In this episode, we explore the way cultures around the world modify their bodies to participate and play a role within their culture. We then turn the lens onto our own post-internet culture to see the parallels and contradictions.
If you would like to get more involved with us, you can follow us on instagram at The Cearley Cultivation, Dexter, Shannon. Or check out our website here. If you are interested in beef or embryos, check out Biar Beef Cattle.
References- We hope you will support a local book store with your purchase of any books
Born to Run- Christopher McDougall Here
1984- George Orwell Here
Sex at Dawn- Dr. Christopher Ryan Here
Anarchist Handbook- Micheal Malice Here
The Prison Notebooks - Antonio Gramsci Here
Black Skin, White Masks - Franz Fanon Here
Chinua Achebe Here
Dexter finds an arrow head