In this episode Dexter is joined by Shannon and sound guy Trent to discuss the pop culture phenomenon of the Max Headroom Incident from 1987 where the regular programming was interrupted by a pirate signal. This bizarre incident is still relevant today as we question our own reliance on our own “feeds”. Is the Medium the message? Is there anything that can shake our reliance on national narratives? Join along as we attempt to Hack the Feed.
#029- Test recording #2- Identity crisis
This is the second test recording for the new studio and we are talking about Identity Crisis. This comes on the heels of resurrecting the name Panhandle Primate Podcast, What is in a name? In this episode we talk everything from Shakespeare to my personal stages of identity. If you enjoy this episode please share it with a friend or drop a comment or a like on whichever platform you stream from! Also check out the web site The Cearley Cultivation for backlogged episodes and some short stories. Thanks for reading!
#027- Re-launching The Panhandle Primate Podcast
This was the first “test recording” in the new Brain Matterz studio. It is also the re-launch of this podcast’s original name The Panhandle Primate podcast. These past years I feel like I have struggled to define the podcast and the overall content that we aimed to produce. After a little soul searching I decided to go back to the original concept of just sitting down to the mic with friends and guests to see where the conversation goes. I aim to continue the same format of The Cearley Cultivation but feel like Panhandle Primate is a little more catchy. This episode also introduces Trent Peterson, who will be the sound guy and a guest for the majority of the shows going forward. He will also be launching his own podcast in the coming weeks which will focus of life after injury. After experiencing blood clots and a stroke earlier this year Trent’s perspective and life were forever altered, as you will hear in this episode. Enjoy and brace for the Next era of Dexter playing with podcasts!
Thanks to the individuals who have supported this podcast though the years, I can’t wait to see where this show goes in 2025!
#026- The Darell Smith Interview
In this episode I interview Darell Smith. My path first crossed Darell’s through kid sports and school functions, and I knew pretty early on that I wanted him to come on the podcast. Darell is a real-estate investor, works in the oil industry, and is an avid golfer. He is a jack of all trades and has a wealth of knowledge in many of the areas where I lack. While many of our ideological viewpoints overlap, we differ on the details and come at things from different approaches, which is a good place for conversations to start. You’ll be able to catch Darell on the podcast every now and again to bring in a new perspective. Enjoy this episode!
#025- Should You Prepare
It seems that since the inception of civilization, people have been predicting how it will collapse. A common trope in mythology, religion, and science fiction has been that of apocalypse and the ensuing struggle for survival in the aftermath. In the episode, hosts Dexter and Shannon explore evidence for possible cataclysms of the past and potential calamities of the future. The conversation ends in a debate that you are not going to want to miss.
Thank you for tuning in and if you like this check out our past videos and follow us wherever you listen to podcasts to check out our large catalog of past episodes! Be sure to check out our website TheCearleyCultivation.Com
#024- A Toxic Mindset
This episode is a general approach to toxicity in the modern world. From chemical spills to relationships the word toxic is very versatile. In this episode we explore and stretch the definition of toxic and how applying literal Hazardous material response practices to figuratively “toxic” circumstances.
Check out more content at there you can find some short stories, a blog, and a backlog of podcast episodes. Also reach out to us with topic ideas or concepts that you want us to dig into.
Check out this episode on Youtube! drop a commit and a like to let us know you were there.
#023- Memento Mori Soirée
Have you ever thought about your death? “Memento Mori” has been chanted by monks and proclaimed by stoics for hundreds of years. They thought it was important to meditate on their deaths to enrich their lives. In this episode, we discuss Memento Mori as a philosophical practice and explore the modern applications as represented by “YOLO” culture and in cheesy country songs. More importantly, we discuss how this ancient concept may offer freedom in our modern world which is so focused on distraction. Remember, You will die!
Thank you for listening. If you would like to suggest a topic for the show or share your thoughts about a previous topic, please reach out! Leave a comment on the show on the Website, Spotify, or Tag me on Twitter @PanhandlePrimate
#022- Rich men north of Where?
In this episode of the Cearley Cultivation, we discuss Oliver Anthony Music’s viral song “Rich men north of Richmond” which exploded the internet and left a sea of knee-slapping dissidents and outraged socialites in its wake. We watched the climb from a no-named average guy to interviews with Joe Rogan and Jordan B Peterson! The climb was not free of controversy, however, with encoded messages that were ripe for interpretation - which is where we come in. We dissect his lyrics, examine his YouTube playlist (Dancing Isrealis, anyone?), and deliberate his political leanings. This was originally one of many topics we planned to discuss but ended up occupying the whole hour! Enjoy!
Shout out listener and friend of the podcast Mason Smith for suggesting this episode topic! If you would like to suggest a topic give us a follow and send us a comment. If you would like to support the podcast share it with a friend, thanks for listening!
#021- The Barbie episode
We hope you’re wearing pink because today is all about Barbie! The blockbuster movie and pop culture icon has caused quite a stir since its release. Many people (we’re lookin’ at you, Shapiro) have denounced the movie for its feminist brainwashing agenda, while others have praised the movie for its refreshing and nuanced perspective of growing up in a male-driven society. In this episode, we give our analysis of the movie and respond to various criticisms and praises it received. As always, we’re not just interested in what the people are saying but also how and why people have responded in the ways that they did. What does that tell us about our society? Funny enough, this is one of the rare moments where Shannon and I do not see eye-to-eye. We both hold differing, even clashing, opinions on the Barbie movie. Can you guess which of us liked it?
Thanks for taking the time to engage with our content, we know that our world has plenty of things to occupy you attention and we are very thankful for any that you give to us. Check out our website to see our archived episode and check out the Short Story tab for some original short stories. Follow us one instagram( Dexter @PANHANDLEPRIMATE, Shannon @Shanncearley, and the The Cearley Cultivation PLEASE share this with a friend or two that you might think would dig our show. We would love to grow this thing!
#020- The Social Media Awakening
Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase “The medium is the message,” and it’s never been better exemplified than in the modern expression of Social Media. In this episode, we talk about our personal relationships with social media, the rise of internet culture, and how this new media will destabilize culture as we know it. Love it or hate it, social media is as revolutionary as the printing press, and we’re just at the beginning.
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Follow us on Instagram @TheCearleyCultivation
Thank you for listening, if you liked the podcast please consider giving us a review on whichever platform you use!
#019- The White Picket Fence
It’s time for another episode of “The Cearley Cultivation.” In this episode, we explore how the simple architectural element of the white picket fence became associated with the American Dream and the idealized image of suburban bliss. The white picket fence has an interesting and complex history in the American past and remains an iconic symbol in culture today. From Korn to Leave it to Beaver, it is used to invoke an America steeped in mythology and question whether it ever actually existed. Whether you see the white picket fence as a nostalgic emblem or a critique of societal conformity, this episode is sure to shed some light on its cultural significance.
Be sure to rate this episode in whatever pod catcher you listen on and please visit our website The Cearley Cultivation Website and sign up for our E-mail list. We won’t spam you, just a way to connect with our listeners.
#018 - The Trash Talk
Archeologists say they can determine quite a bit about a society based on the trash they left behind. What would our trash say about us? For most of history, “trash” would have been animal bones, hides, pottery, glass, wood, but within the last 100 years, our trash has evolved significantly. Despite this change, we often take out our trash and never think of it again. Yet, the trash doesn’t just go away. In this episode, we discuss the rise of the trash problem as well as its implications for society. We talk about consumption within society, the growing landfills, and the responsibility of the consumers and corporations. We also discuss composting and how we have ways to take our waste and create something new and beneficial for the planet.
#017- Societal Guardrails
Highways allow us to get where we’re going at high speeds, but this convenience doesn’t come without risk. We have the ability to easily travel between locations, but we now have to worry about high speed car wrecks. Our modern lifestyle creates new hazards. Thus, the guardrails were designed to offer protection and minimize risk, but what are other areas of society that need metaphorical guardrails? In this episode, we discuss societal trade-offs - trading in one risk for another. We talk about distinctions between Eastern and Western thought, the advancement of modern medicine, and the emergence of fitness centers. Have we traded in our humanity for the guise of progress?
#016- Roald Dahl Censorship and More
Roald Dahl has recently become a hot topic of debate regarding censorship, sensitivity, and posthumous changes to art. At the start of 2023, Puffin Books decided to make hundreds of revisions to Dahl’s large collection of works due to feedback from sensitivity readers. Many of these revisions change or erase any text which discusses weight, race, gender, and violence. These changes have many people, including ourselves, asking, “What do we think about this?” In this episode, we discuss our opinions on these revisions, the implications of censorship, and if an author can be separated from his works.
#015- Cultural Residue
Do you own your culture? Or does your culture own you? I have always been curious about the line between cultural characteristics and genuine persona. Where does your culture stop and the individual start? In this episode, we explore the way cultures around the world modify their bodies to participate and play a role within their culture. We then turn the lens onto our own post-internet culture to see the parallels and contradictions.
If you would like to get more involved with us, you can follow us on instagram at The Cearley Cultivation, Dexter, Shannon. Or check out our website here. If you are interested in beef or embryos, check out Biar Beef Cattle.
References- We hope you will support a local book store with your purchase of any books
Born to Run- Christopher McDougall Here
1984- George Orwell Here
Sex at Dawn- Dr. Christopher Ryan Here
Anarchist Handbook- Micheal Malice Here
The Prison Notebooks - Antonio Gramsci Here
Black Skin, White Masks - Franz Fanon Here
Chinua Achebe Here
#014-Master of Linguistics
This episode was years in the making. Shannon has been in graduate school at Texas Tech for the last 5 years, and she is now officially finished. She has been an inspiration to me through this process, and I couldn’t be more proud. For this episode, we really just wanted to talk about her experience in school and explore the world of linguistics. Shannon nerds out about topics such as linguistic hegemony, the wug test, and optimality theory. Consider this a toe dip into the vast ocean of Linguistics. We’re sure there will be more in-depth episodes over these topics in the future, but for now, consider this a teaser.
This episode is following up on some concepts introduced in the last episode, The Zero. When people talk about metrics, it’s usually used to discuss something quantifiable…things like money or data. What if we instead applied it to other, less-quantifiable things as well - things like happiness or time well spent. Shannon and I explore how metric and data collection, when applied outside of the normal metrics, can reveal aspects about ourselves that are often hidden from view. Join us in rethinking some of the metrics around us as we head into 2023!
Thank you for the support over the past few years, we launched this podcast at possibly the worst time for us with living situation and life responsibilities, However… we are now ready to pursue The D_program Podcast with the enthusiasm that it, and you, deserve. We have goals for this next year which include more consistent content!
#012- The Zero
When I first presented the idea of doing an episode over Zero, Shannon was skeptical. How much is there to say about nothing? Turns out, quite a lot. In this episode, we explore Zero as a number, a concept, and as an abstraction. Zero may seem like nothing, but as with most things, there is more than meets the eye.
#011- The Stranger Things Episode
Stranger Things season four just came to an end, and it grabbed the attention of the masses. The show’s 80’s culture, supernatural twists, and detective narrative are a few aspects which contribute to the show’s popularity. Hosts Dexter and Shannon dive into Hawkins to explore the themes, symbols, and characters within the show and what our fascination might say about our own culture.
We hope you enjoy the show! We took a break, but we are back.
Special thanks to Hayden Pedigo for the outro music and Jeff Wyrick for the cover art.
#010- The Four Pillars of Cearley Cultivation
We recently started a new instagram account following our family’s move to the farm and quickly realized how little we knew about growing an account. We googled and clicked and learned about the vast world of instagramming. Our biggest takeaway was that we needed “pillars.” In the instagram world, what is it that we will be posting? As we’ve thought about this question, it became an interesting challenge to try to define ourselves. Thus, this episode was born! In this episode, we lay out the driving principles which inspired this show and how these pillars relate to our newfound farm life. This is the last episode of 2021 and stands as a road map for where we hope to go in 2022. We hope to see you there!