In this episode of the Cearley Cultivation, we discuss Oliver Anthony Music’s viral song “Rich men north of Richmond” which exploded the internet and left a sea of knee-slapping dissidents and outraged socialites in its wake. We watched the climb from a no-named average guy to interviews with Joe Rogan and Jordan B Peterson! The climb was not free of controversy, however, with encoded messages that were ripe for interpretation - which is where we come in. We dissect his lyrics, examine his YouTube playlist (Dancing Isrealis, anyone?), and deliberate his political leanings. This was originally one of many topics we planned to discuss but ended up occupying the whole hour! Enjoy!
Shout out listener and friend of the podcast Mason Smith for suggesting this episode topic! If you would like to suggest a topic give us a follow and send us a comment. If you would like to support the podcast share it with a friend, thanks for listening!